lundi 19 janvier 2009

English Song

Aujourd’hui, les enfants ont travaillé l'alphabet à partir d’une chanson anglaise intitulée BINGO. Ils ont appris et chanté la première strophe, puis ils ont inventé les suivantes. Voilà le résultat !

1ère strophe :
Mister White has got a dog and Bingo is his name.
B - I - N - G - O. (ter)
And Bingo is his name.

2ème strophe :
Mister Blue has got a cat and Titou is his name.
T- I - T - O - U. (ter)
And Titou is his name.

3ème strophe :
Mister Pink has got a pig and Dirty is his name.
D- I - R - T - Y. (ter)
And Dirty is his name.

4ème strophe :
Mister Brown has got a horse and Sammy is his name.
S - A - M - M - Y. (ter)
And Sammy is his name.

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